The ultimate
emotional wellness

Finding help should be as easy as ordering food We are reimagining mental health support

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The best collection of videos. podcasts. books. (handpicked for you)

Content is the food you constantly feed your brain, feed it food that makes your brain go - WOW!


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A safe space for you to ask and answer questions, find your community and spread the good stuff (love and kindess)

Self-Care Journey Dashboard

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Keep track of all your self care items in one dashboard! Number of books you read, action plan items, your fav content, the events- All in one place!

Action Plans

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helprr envisions a world where healing is easy We all agree the world needs happier souls

helprr is super easy to use, even if you're technically challenged like me. ;-)

Jay Hansen

The community page on helprr gives us a safe space to come together and talk - removing stigma and knowing I am not alone.

Amy Trompert

The 30 day action plan challenge has truly been game changing for me!


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Peer mentors, events, and discussion forums all in one place!

The Better YOU

Get happier, healthier and more focused using our carefully designed platform that is proven to work!

“Online self-help interventions can be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, with benefits lasting up to a year after completion of the program.”

Twomey, C., O’Reilly, G., 2017.


Employees who feel happy demonstrate higher levels of productivity, see 31% increase in productivity, a 37% increase in sales, and 300% more innovation.

Harvard Business Review (HBR)

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